Research Areas

Browse the topics below for a selection of research projects we are currently working on.


1. Nanoparticle Inks for IoT Applications
2. Hydrogen and Methane Sensors
3. UV/Visible Photodetectors

Further Reading


1. Optoelectronic Neuromorphic Materials
2. Neuromorphic Computing Tiles
3. Biologically Inspired Sensing and Pattern Recognition

Further Reading


1. Nanoelectronic Physically Unclonable Functions (PUFs) for Hardware Security
2. Molecular Self-Assembly for Computing and Memory
3. Graphene/Carbon Nanotube Electronics

Further Reading

Image Gallery

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Gold Nanoparticles

Atomic force microscope image of self-assembled nanoparticle film.


Nanostructured ZnO thin film photodetector response to visible light.

Molecular Encryption

Generation of binary encryption keys using nanoscale PUF circuit.

Nanotube Transistors

Patterned carbon nanotube field-effect transistor showing modulation of current as a function of gate voltage.

Gas Sensors

Nanostructured ZnO thin film gas sensor signal when exposed to different gases.

Nanoelectronic Network

Y-shaped molecular device simulation and I-V characteristic.

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